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Araujo LP, Edwards M, Irie K, Huang Y, Kawano Y, Tran A, De Michele S, Bhagat G, Wang HH, Ivanov II. Context-dependent role of group 3 innate lymphoid cells in mucosal protection. SCIENCE IMMUNOLOGY 2024, Aug 16;9(98).
Brockmann L, Tran A, Huang Y, Edwards M, Ronda C, Wang HH, Ivanov II. Intestinal microbiota-specific Th17 cells possess regulatory properties and suppress effector T cells via c-MAF and IL-10. IMMUNITY 2023, Dec 12;56(12):2719-2735.
Kawano Y, Edwards M, Huang Y, Bilate AM, Araujo LP, Tanoue T, Atarashi K, Ladinsky MS, Reiner SL, Wang HH, Mucida D, Honda K, Ivanov II. Microbiota imbalance induced by dietary sugar disrupts immune-mediated protection from metabolic syndrome. CELL 2022, Aug 24.
Ivanov II, Tuganbaev T, Skelly AN, and Honda K. T Cell Responses to the Microbiota. ANNUAL REVIEW OF IMMUNOLOGY 2022, Feb 3.
Zhang X, Bandyopadhyay S, Araujo LP, Tong K, Flores J, Laubitz D, Zhao Y, Yap G, Wang J, Zou Q, Ferraris R, Zhang L, Hu W, Bonder EM, Kiela PR, Coffey R, Verzi MP, Ivanov II, Gao N. Elevating EGFR-MAPK program by a nonconventional Cdc42 enhances intestinal epithelial survival and regeneration. JCI INSIGHT 2020, Aug 20;5(16):135923.
Ladinsky MS, Araujo LP, Zhang X, Veltri J, Galan-Diez M, Soualhi S, Lee C, Irie K, Pinker E, Narushima S, Bandyopadhyay S, Nagayama M, Elhenawy W, Coombes BK, Ferraris RP, Honda K, Iliev ID, Gao N, Bjorkman PJ, Ivanov II. Endocytosis of Commensal Antigens by Intestinal Epithelial Cells Regulates Mucosal T Cell Homeostasis. SCIENCE 2019, Mar 8;363(6431).
Ivanov II. Microbe Hunting Hits Home. CELL HOST & MICROBE 2017, Mar 8;21(3):282-285.
Ivanov II. Mucosal Bioengineering: Gut in a Dish. TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2017, Jul 3.
Sisirak V et al. Digestion of Chromatin in Apoptotic Cell Microparticles Prevents Autoimmunity. CELL 2016, Jun 30;166(1):88-101.
Atarashi K et al. Th17 Cell Induction by Adhesion of Microbes to Intestinal Epithelial Cells. CELL 2015, Oct 8;163(2):367-80.
Sun J, Wang J, Pefanis E, Chao J, Tachibana I, Chen JK, Ivanov II, Rabadan R, Takeda Y, Basu U. Transcriptomics Identify CD9 as a Marker of Murine IL10-competent Regulatory B Cells. CELL REPORTS 2015, Nov 10;13(6):1110-7.
Panea C, Farkas AM, Goto Y, Abdollahi-Roodsaz S, Lee C, Koscso B, Gowda K, Hohl TM, Bogunovic M, Ivanov II. Intestinal Monocyte-Derived Macrophages Control Commensal Antigen-specific Th17 Responses. CELL REPORTS 2015, Aug 25;12(8):1314-24.
Farkas AM and Ivanov II. Escaping Negative Selection: ILC You in the Gut. IMMUNITY 2015, Jul 21;43(1):12-14.
Farkas AM, Panea C, Goto Y, Nakato G, Galan-Diez M, Narushima S, Honda K, Ivanov II. Induction of Th17 Cells by Segmented Filamentous Bacteria in the Murine Intestine. J IMMUNOL METHODS 2015, Jun;421:104-11.
Silva-Sanchez A, Liu CR, Vale AM, Khass M, Kapoor P, Elgavish A, Ivanov II, Ippolito GC, Schelonka RL, Schoeb TR, Burrows PD, Schroeder HW Jr. Violation of an Evolutionarily Conserved Immunoglobulin Diversity Gene Sequence Preference Promotes Production of dsDNA-specific IgG Antibodies. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(2).
Goto Y, Obata T, Kunisawa J, Sato S, Ivanov II, Lamichhane A, Takeyama N, Kamioka M, Sakamoto M, Matsuki T, Setoyama H, Imaoka A, Uematsu S, Akira S, Domino SE, Kulig P, Becher B, Renauld JC, Sasakawa C, Umesaki Y, Benno Y, Kiyono H. Innate Lymphoid Cells Regulate Intestinal Epithelial Cell Glycosylation. SCIENCE 2014, Sep 12; 345(6202).
Goto Y, Panea C, Nakato G, Cebula A, Lee C, Diez MG, Laufer TM, Ignatowicz L, Ivanov II. Segmented Filamentous Bacteria Antigens Presented by Intestinal Dendritic Cells Drive Mucosal Th17 Cell Differentiation. IMMUNITY 2014, Apr 17; 40(4):594-607.
Goto Y and Ivanov II. Intestinal Epithelial Cells as Mediators of the Commensal-Host Immune Crosstalk. IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 2013, Mar;91(3):204-14.
Kunisawa J, Gohda M, Hashimoto E, Ishikawa I, Higuchi M, Suzuki Y, Goto Y, Panea C, Ivanov II, Sumiya R, Aayam L, Wake T, Tajiri S, Kurashima Y, Shikata S, Akira S, Takeda K, Kiyono H. Microbe-dependent CD11b⁺ IgA⁺ Plasma Cells Mediate Robust Early-phase Intestinal IgA Responses in Mice. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2013, 4;1772.
Ivanov II and Honda K. Intestinal Commensal Microbes as Immune Modulators. CELL HOST & MICROBE 2012, Oct 18;12(4):496-508.
Fritz JH, McCarthy D, Simard N, Rojas OL, Hapfelmeier S, Rubino S, Robertson SJ, Larjani M, Ivanov II, Martin A, Casselas R, Philpott DJ, Girardin SE, McCoy KD, Macpherson AJ, Paige CJ and Gommerman JL. Acquisition of a Multifunctional TNF/iNOS-producing IgA+ Plasma Cell Phenotype in the Gut. NATURE 2011, Dec 11;481(7380):199-203.
Lewis KL, Caton ML, Bogunovic M, Greter M, Grajkowska LT, Ng D, Klinakis A, Charo IF, Jung S, Gommerman JL, Ivanov II, Liu K, Merad M, Reizis B. Notch2 Receptor Signaling Controls Functional Differentiation of Dendritic Cells in the Spleen and Intestine. IMMUNITY 2011, Nov 23;35(5):780-91.
Sczesnak A, Segata N, Qin, X, Gevers D, Petrosino JF, Huttenhower C, Littman DR and Ivanov II. The Genome of Th17 Cell-inducing Segmented Filamentous Bacteria Reveals Extensive Auxotrophy and Adaptations to the Intestinal Environment. CELL HOST & MICROBE 2011, Sep 15;10(3):260-72.
Atarashi K, Tanoue T, Shima T, Imaoka A, Kuwahara T, Momose Y, Cheng G, Yamasaki S, Saito T, Ohba Y, Taniguchi T, Takeda K, Hori S, Ivanov II, Umesaki Y, Itoh K, Honda K. Induction of Colonic Regulatory T Cells by Indigenous Clostridium Species. SCIENCE 2011 Jan 21; 331(6015):337-41.
Schelonka RL, Ivanov II, Vale AM, Szymanska E, Zemlin M, Gartland GL, Schroeder HW Jr. Absence of N Addition Facilitates B Cell Development, but Impairs Immune Responses. IMMUNOGENETICS 2011 Sep; 63(9):599-609.
Ivanov II and Littman DR. Modulation of Immune Homeostasis by Commensal Bacteria. CURRENT OPINIONS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2011 Jan 5.
Wu HJ, Ivanov II, Darce J, Hattori K, Shima T, Umesaki Y, Littman DR, Benoist C, Mathis D. Gut-residing Segmented Filamentous Bacteria Drive Autoimmune Arthritis via T Helper 17 Cells. IMMUNITY 2010 June 17; 32(6): 815-827.
Bounocore S, Ahern PP, Uhlig HH, Ivanov II, Littman DR, Maloy KJ, Powrie F. Innate Lymphoid Cells Drive IL-23 Dependent Innate Intestinal Pathology. NATURE 2010 Apr 29; 464:1371-5.
Ivanov II and Littman DR. Segmented Filamentous Bacteria Take the Stage. MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY 2010 May; 3(3):209-12.
Schelonka RL, Ivanov II, Vale AM, Szymanska E, Zemlin M, Gartland GL, Schroeder HW Jr. The CDR-H3 Repertoire of TdT-deficient Adult Bone Marrow is Close, But Not Exact, Homologue of the CDR-H3 Repertoire from Perinatal Liver. THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 2010 185(10):6075.
Ivanov II and Manel N. Segmented Filamentous Bacteria Induce Th17 Cells in the Gut. MEDICINE/SCIENCES 2010. Apr;26(4):352-5. French.
Ivanov II, Atarashi K, Manel N, Brodie EL, Shima T, Karaoz U, Wei D, Goldfarb KC, Santee CA, Lynch SV, Tanoue T, Imaoka A, Itoh K, Takeda K, Umesaki Y, Honda K, Littman DR. Induction of Intestinal Th17 Cells by Segmented Filamentous Bacteria. CELL 2009 Oct 30; 139:1-14.
Luci C*, Reynders A*, Ivanov II*, Cognet C, Chasson L, Hardwigsen J, Anguiano E, Banchereau J, Chaussabel D, Dalod M, Littman DR, Vivier E, Tomasello E. Differential Roles of the Transcription Factor RORgt in the development of NKp46+ Lymphoid-tissue Inducer-like Cells and NKp46+ Natural Killer Cells in Gut and Skin. NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 2009 Jan; 10(1):75-82. (*equal contribution)
Takatori H, Kanno Y, Watford WT, Tato CM, Weiss G, Ivanov II, Littman DR, O’Shea JJ. Lymphoid Tissue Inducer-like Cells are an Innate Source of IL-17 and IL-22. THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 2009 Jan 16; 206(1):35-41.
Lepkes M, Becker C, Ivanov II, Hirth S, Wirtz S, Neufert C, Pouly S, Murphy AJ, Valenzuela, DM, Yancopoulos GD, Becher B, Littman DR, Neurath MF. RORgamma Expressing Th17 Cells Drive Chronic Intestinal Inflammation via Redundant Effects of IL-17A and IL-17F. GASTROENTEROLOGY 2009 Jan; 136(1):257-67.
Ivanov II, Frutos RL, Manel N, Yoshinaga K, Rifkin DB, Sartor RB, Finlay BB, Littman DR. Specific Microbiota Direct the Differentiation of IL-17-producing T-Helper Cells in the Mucosa of the Small Intestine. CELL HOST & MICROBE 2008, 4(4):337-49.
Tsuji M, Suzuki K, Kitamura H, Maruya M, Kinoshita K, Ivanov II, Itoh K, Littman DR, and Fagarasan S. Requirement for Adult RORgt+LTi Cells in Formation of Isolated Lymphoid Follicles and T-independent Generation of IgA in the Gut. IMMUNITY 2008, Aug; 29(2):261-71.
Zhou L, Lopes J, Chong MMW, Ivanov II, Min R, Victora GD, Du J, Rubtsov YP, Rudensky A, Ziegler SF, and Littman DR. TGF-b-induced Foxp3 Inhibits T(H)17 Cell Differentiation by Antagonizing RORgt Function. NATURE 2008, 453(7192):236-40.
Zhou L, Ivanov II, Spolski R, Min R, Shenderov K, Egawa T, Levy DE, Leonard WJ, Littman DR. IL-6 Programs T(H)-17 Cell Differentiation by Promoting Sequential Engagement of the IL-21 and IL-23 Pathways. NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 2007, 8(9):967-74.
Ivanov II, Zhou L, and Littman DR. Transcriptional Regulation of Th17 Cell Differentiation. SEMINARS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2007, 19(6):409-17.
Nguyen HH, Zemlin M, Ivanov II, Andrasi J, Zemlin C, Vu HL, Schelonka R, Schroeder HW Jr, Mestecky J. Heterosubtypic Immunity to Influenza A Virus Infection Requires a Properly Diversified Antibody Repertoire. THE JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 2007 Sep;81(17):9331-8.
Ivanov II, McKenzie BS, Zhou L, Tadokoro C, Lepelley A, Lafaille JJ, Cua DJ, Littman DR. The Orphan Nuclear Receptor RORgt Directs the Differentiation Program of Pro-inflammatory IL-17+ T Helper Cells. CELL 2006, 126(6):1121-33.
Ivanov II, Diehl GE, and Littman DR. Lymphoid Tissue Inducer Cells in Intestinal Immunity. CURR TOPICS MICROB IMMUNOL 2006, 308:59-82.
GC Ippolito, RL Schelonka, M Zemlin, II Ivanov, R Kobayashi, C Zemlin, GL Gartland, L Nitschke, J Pelkonen, K Fujihashi, K Rajewsky and HW Schroeder, Jr. Forced Usage of Positively Charged Amino Acids in Immunoglobulin CDR-H3 Impairs B Cell Development and Antibody Production. THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 2006, 203(6):1567-78.
Schelonka RL*, Ivanov II*, Jung DH, Ippolito GC, Nitschke L, Zhuang Y, et al. A Single DH Gene Segment Creates Its Own Unique CDR-H3 Repertoire and is Sufficient for B Cell Development and Immune Function. THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 2005, 175:6624-32. (*equal contribution)
II Ivanov, RL Schelonka, Y Zhuang, GL Gartland, M Zemlin, and HW Schroeder, Jr.. Development of the Expressed Ig CDR-H3 Repertoire is Marked by Focusing of Constraints in Length, Amino Acid Use, and Charge, that are First Established in Early B Cell Progenitors. THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 2005, 174:7773-7780.
Ivanov II, Link JM, Ippolito GC and Schroeder HW, Jr.. Constraints on the Hydropathicity and Sequence Composition of HCDR3 are Conserved Across Evolution. THE ANTIBODIES 2002, 7:43-67. Ed. by Zanetti M & Capra JD